Hello World!

This is my first weblog. I dunno why I'm publishing this log. No one will read my rants and nonsense, but if you must know, I'm keeping this journal strictly to let my friends read/view/criticize what life is like after G'burg. I have been busy lately, but no major police business, just a couple of traffic tickets. I drove Katy Le and her cargo van full of stuff to NYC the other day. Did you read what I just typed? New York City! I despise the traffic in Manhattan. Don't get me wrong, NYC is a great model for sustainable living with energy efficient way of life, but the people, the PEOPLE! they're everywhere!! they don't seem to phase anything, not even my V8 Enterprise Cargo van, which I found that the price was reasonable for long distant moving. Anyhow, we went to a sushi bar for dinner with New Yorker friend
Osamu. I had quite a bit of sake and Japanese beer. I wanted to try them all. Why not? The bar was having a promotion at 50% off on everything. The night was young, and I was a bit tipsy already. I insisted that we run to the train station so that I could sober up and talk loudly so that I could sweat off the rice wine. It worked! I could drink myself sober, but it's probably not a good idea in the long run.
In other news, I'm looking to move out of my family's 2-room apartment. I feel bad that my dad has moved to the couch so that I could take the bed. I'm feeling pretty awful because choosing a place to live is tough. Landlords and landladys turning me down. I have $2,000 in the bank. Oh wait, after that NYC trip, it's down to $1k. I love traveling broke. There are so many creative and most memorial things your mind can do. I have no real job, just helping Tammy 3 days a week at the Nails Salon. I'm waiting for an interview with the DC Fisheries and Wildlife division. Keeping my fingers crossed. Ok, enough of my ranting. Back to more Japanese anime.
Later ya'll.
better links
second part should be first
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