Happy Ninja Day

Secretive and silent, like an espionage, the ninja stalks through Japanese history like a shadow, striking fear into the hearts of peasants and emperors alike. Today, we honor those ninja and ninjas wannabes.
Ninja Natural Habitat
If you're trying to find a ninja, (make sure you have a written will and you've said goodbye to everybody you love) these are the places they're most commonly found, how do I know? Well let's just say I've lost a lot of interns...
- Behind you
- In front of you
- In the shadows of you and your loved ones
- The tree in your backyard
- Inside your mind
- In small villages
- In your bath tub (under the bubbles!)
- In your clock
- Anywhere you can't see
Go Ninja Crazy!
And here is Ask-a-Ninja's take on the Writer's Guild strike.