Brother in Black has bought his very first pair of loose jeans!! Wowzer! I think he's found a girl that he wants to impress. There's no other reason why he asked me for money to buy new clothes. He has put his gothic outfits neatly in the closet. I told him, once he goes denim trousers, there's no turning back. The fabric is so comfortable and fashionable. On a good day, I love to wear a pair of my Diesel jeans. And I wear them until they are worn out with mud stains or ripped, but I would often sew them back and wear them again for a few more months. It's so hard for me to find a well fitting pair of hip-huggers. I don't enjoy shopping much, so when I find a pair, I keep them for as long as I can. If they're flattering and comfortable, I'd buy the same two pairs. I don't go for trendy because they'll soon be obsolete. Being petite, it's tough to find a pair that fits well. Also, call me cheap, but I don't buy jeans that are more than $100, like the ones on the runway,
Tsubi and Acne skinny jeans -- too expensive!
I bought my nephews jeans for school, and they look so cute on little people. With a graphic t-shirt, it's an automatic fashion on the school grounds. I'm so proud that Brother in Black has turned denim. Next to go is his long hair, I hope. These days, I can't seem to relax. I keep picking battles with myself and with close friends and family. I'm pretty sure this internal turmoil will put in a rut. I can't seem to learn my lessons. Before you know it, Brother in Black will have his hair in cornrows, and then I'll have to threaten him to put them in dreadlocks, or else! I dunno what to do with myself these days. Until I figure that out, I'm gonna enjoy tomorrow's NCAA game: Buckeyes Vs. Hoyas. Go Hoyas!! I'm doing so well on my brackets this year. Go G'town!!