Santa Claus must've been blind or I must've been really good this year. I got a Magna mountain bicycle!! Thanx so much SG. I took a ride on my new bike the very next day around the Lanham residential area. You might not see it in their faces, but the whole neighborhood were quite jealous of me, even my housemates didn't show it, but they were green with envy. Or maybe they didn't care; I couldn't care less. Anyhow, I can't thank-you enough. This bicycle was what I WANTED and actually RECEIVED. It's got front rear reflectors, front rear brakes with Bowden cables, 21 speed (I'm not if I'll use them all) and an awesome water bottle holder. I think the frame is made of aluminum alloy, but if you'd tell me it's made from carbon fiber or titanium, I'd believe you. So excited. How about them tour de france? Come Christmas day, I'm gonna sit back and enjoy watching my niece and nephews and family open their gifts. I hope all your wildest dreams come true this season cuz I'm satisfied.
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