Typical Wednesday

I'm also enjoying the snow and jumpstarting my housemate's car battery. It was my first time jumpstarting a car; she had forgotten to turn off her monster Honda Pilot neon blue headlights over night. I'm not gonna lie, I was scared and was experiencing the proudest moment of my life. Very simple procedure you might incline, but imagine me (for those who know my petite stature) trying to crank a lead-acid battery full of plates, lead, and lead oxide with a voltage capacity of 12.0v in the blistering cold...shivering questions like "where's the negative and the positive?" or "which is red and which is black?".

In other news, a new species is found on Borneo, a new carnivore! The World Wildlife Fund is conducting the research to determine if there is a new species that was recently photographed.
Environmental researchers are preparing to capture what they call a new, mysterious species of carnivore on Borneo, the first such discovery on the wildlife-rich Indonesian island in over a century. [...] Locals and wildlife experts who viewed photographs of the animal, which has very small ears and large hind legs, said they had never seen such a creature before and were convinced that it was a new species, WWF said.Very exciting.
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