Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy Mindless, Random V-day

Snapshirts gave me this word cloud (above). Kinda cool.

Your Candy Heart Says "Get Real"

You're a bit of a cynic when it comes to love.
You don't lose your head, and hardly anyone penetrates your heart.

Your ideal Valentine's Day date: is all about the person you're seeing (with no mentions of v-day!)

Your flirting style: honest and even slightly sarcastic

What turns you off: romantic expectations and "greeting card" holidays

Why you're hot: you don't just play hard to get - you are hard to get

(Via Caltechgirl)

I went back and changed my answers (twice) and still came out with a "Get Real" heart. There's a flaw in this online quiz. I can be romantic, whatever that is. Enjoy your V-day everybody, because tomorrow will be another day.

I am NOT bitter. It's a really silly holiday. Someone always felt sad about it, no matter what -- even the meany little kids who counts their Valentine cards and compare. Girls would cry because they hadn't received flowers or gifts from significant others, WTH? And worse of all, the things I like (chocolates!) get marked up to twice their price, at least! Ay yah! Too many people feel sad, mad or bad because of this holiday.

So, I suggest you crack open a nice cold beer (go for seconds if necessary) and watch the Winter Olympics. I heart Joey Cheek!!


At 3:40 PM, Blogger nalumoni said...

Mine says: First Kiss.
Egh. you're right. it IS a whacked out quiz. My turn off is apparently "cynics who don't believe in love". Like, Hello?? That's ME right there! lolz. i turn myself off. oh dear GOD.

At 6:15 PM, Blogger Trynn Diesel said...

Hehe. Some peeps compare me to a brickwall, and they get mad at me for it. I'm simply turning myself off, at the moment, geesh! Silly gooses, I AM a brickwall. And good night!


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