Saturday, February 25, 2006

Tag! I'm it.

I got tagged by Nowal. Now I'm tagging whomever read this meme (make sure you tell me by leaving a comment).

Four jobs I’ve had:

Waitress: Everything I needed to know about sexual harassment and more.
Biological Technician at ARS: Summer job playing with gas chromotography solvent purity. Ugh! I think the smell is still in my nostril.
Horticulturist's assistant at AWS: I had so much fun playing in the mud, making new friends and surviving a bad case of poison-ivy.
Nail technician: I was not proud, so I demoted myself to a meesily receptionist.

Four movies I've seen more than once:

The Lord of the Rings (yes, the whole trilogy, again and again)
The Boondocks Saints
Spirited Away

Four places I’ve lived:

Well, I was born in Vietnam and lived there most of my childhood. I've been to Nicaragua for a while. I was in the Gettysburg, Pennsylvania for college. I stayed with my uncle in San Francisco for a couple of months. Got homesick and flew back home, good ol' Cheverly, Maryland.

Four TV shows I’ve seen more than one episode of:

24 (Jack Bauer Power Hour :-)
Grey's Ananomy
My Name is Earl

Four places I've been on vacation:

Camping along the Potomac River (woo hoo, Paddle to the Bay)
Kayaking on the Potomac River (yup, I haven't learned my lesson, so I went on another expedition)
Camping at Catoctin Mountain Park (my weekend getaways from college classes)
Back-pack hiking the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia (yup we encountered black bears, scared shitless)

Four Places I Would Like to Visit:

Galapogos Islands

Four blogs I visit daily:

I can never do the part that asks me to single out blogs, so refer to my Nifty Blogs and Clickables. Those are the ones I read. I never tag anyone either. I don't like this part of the meme.

Four Favorite Foods:

Pho (Vietnamese noodle soup)
Pan Fried Young Tofu with peanut sauce over rice
Hu tieu, a yellow noodle with sliced pork, dried onion, pork crackling, tomatoes, japanese vegetable and minced pork in the stock (awwh yeah)
Bun bo Hue, from Hue which is served with lots of different veggies, pigs feet and cooked beef (good luck turning me into a vegetarian)

Four places I'd rather be:

Walking on the beach at Assateague and Chincoteague Island State Park
People-watching in a café , especially in Paris
Hiking on the Shenandoah Valley (yup, I wanna say hello to the black bears again)
Kayaking someplace warm

The four CDs I listened to most recently:

Duran Duran
Simon and Garfunkel (don't ask, "hello darkness, my ol' friend")
Vietnamese pop

Last four vehicles I’ve owned:

Haha. Cammy the Camry is the love of my life. I used to drive a '96 Toyota Corolla. My next vehicle will be...a bicycle! I want to pedal something that gets great gas mileage, haha.

Things in my life that come in fours:

I have four pairs of shoes.
I have four house plants.
I like eating four chocolate bars in one sitting.
And I live in a place that has four seasons.


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