Happy International Women's Day (belated)

Yesterday, March 8, women around the world were remembered. I took my niece and nephews to the dentist, tutored BJ and RT, tried to put the wooden fence back up, tried to clear off the spray paint on Cammy (curses!), begged my dad to hand over my passport, prayed for a normal job, vaccumed the entire house, and Tammy-god forbids, I took Rocky out for a joy ride, haha. Poor thing, he was shivering in the car. Why was I not treated like a queen on this holiday? It's an occasion for men to express their sympathy and love to the women. Where are my chocolates!? Oh wait, I gave that up for Lent, damn.
Anyhow, IWD is a big deal in Viet Nam. The Vietnamese recognizes the importance of women. Around the world, nations are celebrating economic, political and social contributions of women in their society. Americans don't seem to celebrate this day maybe because it doesn't involve a tradition of eating, let alone discuss about feminism. Honestly, I'm all for gender equality and women's rights. I do not demonize men (though some needed to be). I believe in taking responsibilities for one's action. Treat others as you would want to be treated. At any rate, ladies, have a happy happy Int'l Women's Day, heck, make it a month and treat yourself to a fine book. I suggest Dragon Ladies: Asian American Feminists Breathe Fire. (Disclaimer: I have not yet read the book, but it's on my to do list.)
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