Happy Mardi Gras to youse all !

Now I turn to the coolest festivity ever! For more than 550 years, the Brits has been celebrating Pancake Day at Olney in Buckinghamshire, England by a race to the finishing line tossing the pancakes as they go. How much fun is that?!! I hope you're having a blast, Nads!

It all started in 1445 when an unknown woman cooking pancakes heard the shriving bell summoning her to confession. Alarmed, she ran to church wearing her apron and still holding her frying pan, and no doubt drew the good-natured ridicule of fellow parishioners. Thus, unbeknown to her, started a tradition that has lasted all this time.
For the past several years, I've given up something in light of Lent...just because! Tonight, I'm gonna eat all the chocolate bars in my room, behind the drawer, under my chair and all Hersey kisses in the fridge. It's gonna be the longest forty-days coming. So be nice to me because underneath that smile and caring me, lies terrible mandibles of bone-crushing death! Really, I'm fine.
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