Thursday, June 08, 2006

Fifa World Cup 2006

Finally, the World Cup is upon us. I was in Toronto four years ago in a bar watching Brazil beating Germany. What a surprise win. I thought Germany would've gotten the trophy, but Brazil’s got Ronaldinho and this FIFA Cup, he’s back again. Here’s a rundown of the groups (via Sky Sports). I won’t post any updates until the finals, so keep tabs on your own. I’m only going to watch a couple of games (at any place that will take me in at an absurd time, that's you SG). Kick off starts mañana!

Group A
Costa Rica
Ecuador - just lost to Macedonia, not good.
Poland - no superstars, but a competitive team.
Germany - they're hosting; there'll be a lot of fan support.

Group B
Paraguay - inconsistent, dunno.
Trinidad&Tobago - first timers; no idea how good they are.
England - Wayne Rooney (injured, hopefully will recover soon), David Beckham (mid-fielder), Micheal Owen (striker)

Group C
Argentina - great talent
Ivory Coast - first timers, also called Cote-Dlvoire
Serbia&Montenegro - Very tough defensive play by this team.
Netherlands - aka Holland

Group D
Mexico - My neighbors will be cheering loudly for them.
Iran - no chance.
Portugal - Cristiano Ronaldo, hot!

Group E
Italy - Extremely talented.
Ghana - Didn't do so well at African nations Cup, dunno.
USA - I dunno anyone on the team.
Czech Republic - Stop getting injured!

Group F
Brazil - Ronaldo de Assis Moreira, every football player's fear.
Croatia - high hopes.
Australia - Very good chance.
Japan - very aggressive, they have as good as a chance against hostess, Germany.

Group G
Switzerland - Maybe will advance.
South Korea - If Bi-Rain was on the team, I'd root for this country, hehe.
Togo - where is Togo? Seriously, I've never heard of this country.

Group H
Spain - definitely will advance.
Saudi Arabia - dunno background.
Here is the game schedule. The time zone difference will be hard to catch live games, so have fun watching when you can. Check out BBC Sports for statistics and difference in talents of each team. I'm cheering for Portugal cuz Ronaldo is so cute! Go nuts! GOOOAAALLLLL!!!

Up-to-date (6/9/06):

Ok, so who has cableTV in Lanham? I guess this CUP is a great opportunity for me to make new friends in the neighborhood, tee hehe. Found this cool YouTube preview clip:

Go Portugal!!


At 3:46 PM, Blogger Anita Okoh said...

Ms. Diesel, Togo is in West Africa right next to Ghana

At 3:47 PM, Blogger Trynn Diesel said...

Thanx Kumea! I knew that. When I saw the country on the qualifying list, I was like, To-go (?). Damn my ignoran-nious self. Togo is quite aggressive, great defensive play. Cheers to Ghana!! Omigosh!! I hope they'll compete with C. Ronaldo in the finals ;-) Rock on!


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