Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Number of the Beast, my blog birthday

Brother in Black (of all people) pointed out that this blog is a demonic site. Today is the one-year anniversary of my weblog. No where among my posts do I preach in favor of the Antichrist or the Omen, geesh! I know I'm going to hell at age 77, but that has nothing to do with my blog birth-date, 6.6.06. There's no sum of apostate power or false prophecy or conspiracy theory. I leave all that wickedness in my other blog (just kidding)!

If you feel my weblog is diabolical, by all means, go ahead and perform an electronic exorcism, whatever that is. In the meantime, I'm celebrating my blog birthday by conjuring up a couple of dead people, talk to my four houseplants and cast a spell on my stalking ex.