Cock fashion

Chicken suits will probably get a lot of business if they go to my cousin's village and sponsor a Chicken Wrestlemania. When I was back home in Vietnam, my cousin used to train chickens for the monthly neighborhood cock fight. (Cock fight, haha, BB, u scarred me for life). Now, some weirdo hobbyists design clothing lines for chickens, I think my cousin will go back to those old days. Oh, the random things that make the world turns.
On other news, Steph and I went to a mass gathering for the 4th of July in Downtown DC. The fireworks was spectacular, although it was too short (15mins). We had to go through a checkpoint before entering the Washington Monument lawn. They searched our bags, asked us questions and frisked us with the metal detectors. The nation is in paranoia. If it happens, it happens. Terrorists are masterminds, professional spies. Frisking 600,000+ people to a fireworks event is a little too much, don't ya think? Omigosh, Metro should provide deodorants. Those men reeked so bad with their arms dangling the top railing. Short people like me had to endure the pungent human odor of all colors, uhhh! All in all, it was quite an adventure. Welcome to DC, Steph! And damn you Foulke for ruining our day. Hooray for Ramirez getting that grand slam. I must admit, I'm clueless when it comes to sportTV. I enjoy the company of my friends and the beers, but I just can't help to hate the politics of the sport industries. WTH? The players get pay multi-milions of dollars for a season! While the rest of us work our asses off trying to save the world with enough dough to last through the day. Oh feel my angst, you lucky son of bitches. Hehe, I love you Bill Mueller (all for the wrong reasons).
I've moved in my new place. So far I'm bored and lonely as hell. No internet service, no TV connections and no one to talk to. Tammy goes drinking with her pals after work, while I fix the 1993 house bathroom sink and drain out the (cess)pool in our backyard. So much for that cuz last night's tropical rainstorm put me way back to square one. Oh how I despise all my efforts. I should heed Homer Simpson's Word of Wisdom: You tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is 'never try'. Although, this home furnishing and fixing 101 is starting to drain my energy away from my favorite activities. Where are those fine-abbed handy men when you need one? I'll provide ice cold organic lemonades and cuddling services. Oy!
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