Fourth World Movement

I don’t want to blog about (1) the disgusting son of a dog Florida ex-congressman Foley, (2) the three school shootings (I cry when I hear this kind of news. I condemn those gunmen to the pit of hell!), (3) the scary North Korea nuclear tests, (4) the unrelenting violence in Iraq, (5) the Bosox not in the playoffs (I’d like to see the Dodgers kick the Yanks’ bottocks in the ALCS and then win the World Series), (6) how I failed to get tickets to see “An Enemy of the People” at Shakespeare’s Theatre Co., (7) still no hot water over two weeks now, (8) my depressing e-breakup or (9) why my co-workers think I need to enroll in an anger management class (no comment).
Instead, I would like to introduce you folks to the Fourth World Movement. I have been an on-off active member of this fantastic organization for about ten years counting. When I was 13 or 14, I presented an appreciation plaque to the Ambassador of Sweden in front of the Capitol on October 17 Day event. A month later, that ambassador was fired because of some tax evasion or scandal. At any rate, years ago GG and JA introduced me to Tapori’s Children Network, where I participated in various activities and collected their minibooks on true stories of children throughout the world. Tapori is part of the widely known Fourth World Movement. The staffs are passionate and friendly, and they are tireless with their efforts “to overcome extreme poverty”. This October 17 is the next big event. Come check out the children’s life-size silhouettes display of hearts and messages – right out in front of the Capitol Building. Ask about their motto and ask to be a member and receive their newsletters. Hooray for the Fourth World Movement Volunteers!
Up-to-date (10/12/06):
Corrections: (1) No silhouettes at the Capitol. The display will be at the UN up in NYC. (2) The plaque was presented to the Ambassador of Switzerland, who got ousted because of money from WWII and Jewish families that was supposed to be neutral but it was concealed capital, or something like that… (3) My MLB playoff prediction was so off. Wait til next year, I suppose.
The bosox were more than disappointing this year and I am kind of fed up with Theo. Only time and winter meetings will tell the fate of the old towne team.
Unfortunately, I need to discuss your wish for the dodgers to beat the Yankees in the ALCS. I also wish the Yankees to lose big time but not to the dodgers. the dodgers are in the National League and the Yankees the American League. The only way they can meet is in the World Series, and no one wants to see the Yankees there.
The Playoff picture looks like this:
American League Division Series:
Yankees (East) vs Detroit (WC)
Oakland (West) vs Twins (Central)
National League Division Series
Mets (East) vs Dodgers (WC?)
Cardinals (Central) vs Padres (West)
Alrighty. Go Nomahhhhh!!!
Haha. I'm giving myself a headshake. I should be banned from talking about sports. It could happen that the Dodgers will win over the Mets in the NLDS, then winning over the Padres in the NLCS; while the Twins beat the Yanks in the ALCS, and if the Yanks are still alive, the Dodgers will finish them off in the World Series. Go Nomar! All I need now is to restock my beer shelf. Did you see LOST last night!? Three words:!
Trinh, thanks for the talk-up!
Just a correction for any of the folk who think to wander down to the Capitol on October 17: there'll be no Tapori Children's Silhouetts there! Sorry for any confusion. Since 9/11/01, gone are the days of gatherings and banners in front of our Congress' domed house.
BUT, there'll be life-sized children's silhouettes at our low-key gathering on October 17th ( at our metro-accessible center in Maryland. (We'll see you there, Trinh! Others welcome. RSVP)And kids' silhouettes and messages from around the world will be displayed in both prominent and community-based places throughout the globe: the UN in NYC and Geneva, a popular museum in Manilla, a community center in France... check out Kids and adults working with kids are welcome to join the campaign.
Thanks. Too bad about the BoSox.
Thanx Jill. Many thanks for the corrections. I am an "ol' fogey". Counting down for that October 17th event. Woo hoo!
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