Friday, February 16, 2007

(Insert hiatus excuse here)

Anyone who knows me in real life and has stumbled on my blog has recognized me after reading about four posts. It is funny how all these connections get made. I have only once had a blogger out me by giving someone else my real name (with disastrous consequences), but I've outed myself through my ranting any number of times. It's always interesting to watch how this process works – the ways in which people figure out who I am. The day after my last post, Trynn Diesel's identity has been exposed at the workplace. After agreeing to help with restoration PR, BlogSpot has linked my pseudonymous name to The DC Pope Branch. Subsequently, all Trynn Diesel’s plans to take over the world brought to a standstill.

I have decided to keep this blog and re-evaluate what I say on future posts (…not!). I've never looked at blogging as being a way to communicate with people I actually know. Brother in Black doesn’t read my blog. In fact, he teased me about it. I often vocalize my angst about work, family, friends, work for Brother in Black to listen. He said so long as I don’t write what I say on blogger, I’d be fine.

Again, it's always fascinating what connections are made. The emails I get from people I know and don't know, and what some blog entries lead to. It's like a backstage reality. Although I think people who know me know me better if they read my blog than just the "in person" stuff. I’ve tried my best to carefully guard my secret identity. Apparently, I’m not very good at it. I’m ashamed to explain the flaws in my secrecy attempt. I honestly don't care one way or the other about my blog identity. The revelation of who I am in the blogosphere and who I am in real life mean crap diddly to me -- so long as you don't put me in a compromising position.

In the meantime, check out my newly introduced blog links on the sidebars. Very interesting reads.


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