Wally World invasion

What's the deal with Wal-Mart!? Now they're coming to Capitol Plaza Mall, my town!! taking the whole 142,000 square-foot. Many residents came out to voice their concerns, but the resolution has been written and it looks like Wally World will invade. It's the Wal-Mart in the role of Adam Smith's invisible hand now. The workers' rights advocacy organization, American Rights at Work, has taken initiative against the retail giant's unfair practices in the workplace. Wal-Mart employees who just want to negotiate for decent wages, affordable health care, and basic protections on the job encounter huge obstacles and overwhelming resistance. Check out the site and take action!
I finished Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed. I give it a 3 out of 5 stars. Great writing style and eloquent research, but he gave such a somber view of the future. (Perhaps that's why I've been depressed lately) Furthermore, he does not offer any concrete solutions to our environmental problems, maybe he wants us to study the past and come up with projects for our future sustainable existence. I never finished Atlas Shrugged--3/4 through the book and I tossed it behind my bookshelf. Unbelieveable people! Why do they (Hank Rearden and Dagny Taggart) hate society so much and enjoy hated by people? Capitalism my ass. Objectivism, it's just a selfish philosophy.