It's been awhile

I know this is "old news" but I must comment on it. We should all be amazed by what we do not know. The universe is still a big question mark. With the Discovery space shuttle safely landed, we can further advance our space explorations. We have been searching for extrasolar planets (planets around other suns), and here we find a new one, with its own moon, in our own solar system! This, to me, is further proof that we need to continue space research. NASA is needed. New discoveries are out there, waiting to be found.
We will miss our beloved ABC anchor Peter Jennings. I first learned and favored Jennings over Rather and Broshaw when I was glued to the TV during the 9/11 Tuesday event. The image is so terrible that Jennings couldn't grasp what he was looking at. But even on that day he never lost his cool. He did get emotional. The events of that day wore him down, and he went back to cigarettes, we now learn. This tragedy brings me to the continuous concern of my smokestack friends. Kimball! Nicolay! Chari! Meg! Spillman! and Wayan! My confession: I smoked quite a bit during college, in secret mostly. I've stopped a few months ago, so I expect all my strongwill to quit now or else! Kimball!
We're back from our semi-family vacation to Virginia Beach. We were illegally crowded in Cammy the Camry, but we managed to have everyone in seatbelts. Thanx to my nieces and nephews for putting up with me. I was the driver, as always, so I made a decision that we should stop at Hampton, Va for a reststop. The area was nice and colorful. We drove through HU, and the summer students there quite friendly. I stopped to ask for directions, and this African American dude smiled and gave me a thorough instructions to Va Beach before I could even ask the question "Uh, hello, I'm lost and my cranky nephews and the beachball brother are ready for a swim, so this would be a silly question, but how do I get to VA beach?" I'm not sure what the dude was thinking, but I definitely saw his headshake when I looked back at the reariew mirror. Anyhow, we played 'honk the horn, Mr. Trucker' while we were on the road. We swam, played on the beach, caught a few crabs, fished for a little while and found my brother! The End. Hey, shits happen, and I'm proud to be part of it. I just don't wanna tell you about, at least not here. To get my confession, buy me a beer. Shoving me into the confession room won't help, trust me.
I've commited another federal offense, can anyone guess what it is this time? Brownie points for the first to guess it right. It happened at the beach, Virginia beach. The last blog is a give away (although it's in my language, eh). Just so you know, I'm bloggin' in Vietnamese and English texts--it'll all depends on the mood.
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