Let it out, let it all out.

Way to go Cindy Sheehan. I attended a vigil a while back to support Ms. Sheehan's saga on her position that Dubya is accountable for the Iraq war. Funny (and sad) how the media can't see the obvious. Like how George W Bush is widely reported saying:
He said he has thought "long and hard" about her demand to "get out of Iraq now" and strongly disagreed, saying a premature withdrawal would betray the Iraqis just as they are being trained to defend themselves and allow for a U.S. pullout.
Now, that's not what she means. Her position is simply saying that Dubya is accountable for the war and that the media has to hold him accountable. What kind of (scary) power does the President have on the media!? This is a man of mere negligence. I'm just so moved by Cindy Sheehan. I wish I was as brave as Cindy. Read her postings on the Dialy Kos. No matter what, don't give up.
Speaking of courage, I mowed the lawn (front and back) for the first time yesterday. Quit your snickerings and titterings. I never had a lawn to mow before. It took me an hour to get the mower started. I damned near killed myself when I pulled the working mower backwards and the blades cut the hard plastic sheet piece that flew right passed my face. Tammy's mower runs on gasoline. I feel bad for using, but hey, I turn off my lights when I leave the room and I even use the candle lights when I'm in my room. It's all in the strategy when it comes to energy conservation. Since we're on the topic of oil, I shed a tear or two when I go to the gas station with Cammy. Her ever so thirsty six cylinders engine drain the money out of my wallet. Oil prices spiked $67 a barrel on the news. I know this service station, J&K on the confluence of Annapolis and Landover Rd where you can get it for just 56 dollars. Like a stingy person that I am (heck, I'm no cheapskate--this peak oil is all about high gasoline prices, those damn oil tycoons are only looking for profits), I only put $20 every time I visit the gas station, that way the prices are steady and they don't fluctuate. For another cheapskate energy tip, you should chill your beer in the freezer. Multiply that by hundreds and thousands of beers, and you save a ton of energy. Speaking of beer, come by Steph's place tomorrow for a Beirut tourney. Geesh, this is when I wish I don't have to work on Saturdays.
Tammy's niece, Huong Giang is coming to live with us, a bit rebellious and boy-crazy (looks like I have a challenger to the man-eater crown) but I can understand that since she's at a tender age of 20 (great, more competitions). I guess I should start participating instead of hating. She'll be in the room with the huge closet. I guess I should clean my mess and dirty clothes to the laundry mat and do something about the mildew. Get a humidifier? Maybe next spring. I need to invest in a portable heater. I'm starting to feel the cold. Hey, sound is a form of energy. You can heat your home simply by speaking in a VERY LOUD VOICE. Like yelling at Rocky for urinating on my furnitures and books. I could also crank up to max listening to Live's The Dolphins Cry" or Metallica's Whiskey in the Jar. You guys take care. Over and out!
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