Happy Halloween!

It's dark already, at 5:30pm! This Daylight Saving Time has not daunt on me just yet. Aight, gotta get ready for the trick-o-treaters. Put my home-made outfit on, chill on the couch, watch Saw with my housemate and enjoy this halloween recipe. Here comes the double, double, toil and trouble; Fire burn, and caldron bubble! heheheheh (cough, cough)
Chocolate Covered Worms
12 oz. chocolate chips
12 oz. butterscotch chips
1 pkg. peanuts
1 pkg. chow mein noodles
Melt chips in double boiler and pour over noodles and nuts. Mix well and drop by spoonfuls on ungreased cookie sheet. Chill until firm. Enjoy (via CHF)
Don't do anything I wouldn't do, not unless you let me in on the fun. Have a Happy, Spooky, Creepy, Scary Happoween!
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