Yom Kippur (and job)

In case I run out of time I want to wish all a meaningful Yom Kippur. My wish for kol haolam is that we see more peace, more health and more happiness in the coming year.
I need a new job! I've been applying here and there and randomly everywhere, but still I haven't heard from anyone! I despise the HR committee for being too lazy and selfish. Honestly, tell me if I have the job or not instead of beating around the bush saying the hiring process is at a halt. I can handle rejections. I've had so many. No shame. I'm tired of the job I'm currently working. Not enough pay to match my expenses. For those of you who know me, I don't spend that much. Ay yah! Need job...
Anyway, a day of contemplation. Zom Kal (have an easy fast) for those of you who are fasting. I don't believe that fasting serves any purpose to God, which means that, in my debate with myself, I can only consider the purposes that fasting serves to me. I like food, thanks to my high metabolism. I'm gonna make myself Hu Tieu and enjoy it.
G'mar Chatimah Tovah and Shalom!
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