Saturday, November 19, 2005

Ghetto Mall

I am wicked pissed. For over a month, i've been looking forward to Harry Potter. All I want to do is get drunk and go see Harry Potter...yes in that order. Trinh Diesel was kind enough to fulfill my one birthday wish on her birthday nonetheless. We get tickets at the ghetto mall, i think things are starting to go my way, make it through over half a power hr, even better. the ghetto mall cop of all people rips my ticket and admits me to the movie, things can't go wrong. but then the movie starts.

the biggest problem is they underestimated the power of gary oldman. sure he's not a huge star, but a very solid and gifted actor(you may have seen him as the guy getting kicked off the plane in airforce one when harrison ford famously yelled "get off my plane", maybe you saw him the 5th element, or batman begins as officer gordon). even more popular than gary oldman is what i like to call the rat eating convict(aka sirius black and title character of the 3rd movie) who was somehow entirely cut from the 4th movie.

it's pretty hard to mess up a book with murder, betrayal and love triangles, but somehow it happened. the only bright spot in the movie was fiennes from red dragon, he was a great voldemort for about 4 minutes out of the 160 minutes i endured.

bottom line, don't go see harry potter, see reese witherspoon and joaquin. also if you are even slightly interested in answering the pg cop ad, don't cause you might end up stationed at the ghetto mall ripping harry potter tickets.


At 7:53 PM, Blogger Trynn Diesel said...

SG, you are the coolest, wittiest critic ever! Despite the disappointing film, late night movies at the ghetto mall has made us an invincible duo!! We should've taken Joe Bob with us, his uncensored finger would definitely get noticed.

At 1:17 PM, Blogger Trynn Diesel said...

Oh, did I mention that SG is wicked smahrt! She's quite intimidating. Beware of her disapproval headshake, it will leave you pondering for days/weeks/months about what a "dumbass" you are.


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