The pink stuff weirdo

That weirdo is me. Oh Pepto-Bismol, how well thee saved my life during my college years. The heartburn, the food poisoning, Pepto Bismol is the answer! Drink that pink beverage, it tastes so good! It became my addiction for a while, until one day in Orgo (Organic Chemistry) lab, I titrated a pink substance that looked like the pink stuff, kinda like strawberry milkshake...Well, that was the end of my substance abuse. There is now a Children's Pepto-Bismol. You know, this time it's for my 2-year-old nephew who pipes down his third piece of eggroll and his tummy decides to do a somersault. I'd be a bad auntie to let him suffer. The tough part is how am I gonna resist that pink stuff. Hey, everybody is somebody else's weirdo.
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