Holocaust Cantata

Last night, ES and I went to a concert...you know I love live music, the kind that gives the phrase "break a leg" and "this is it, there's no turning back" (or at least I say them before presenting anything). I find live performances a much more enjoyable taste, although the cost can be prohibitive. Which is why I jumped to the chance that this event was free. The Library of Congress, as part of the Veterans History Project, presented the Master Chorale of Washington's Holocaust Cantata, to mark the 60th anniversary of the end of World War II. We found that it was interesting that the songs and writings were by prisoners in Nazi concentration camps, among whom were American Jewish soldiers. There were selected readings from the collections of the Veterans History Project and a video clip that was quite graphical. The lady next to us was moved by the presentation that her quiet sniffing and whimpering was a bit of a bothersome to me, no offense. The sound of the cello makes me want to start playing the violin again (if the thief would return my instrument! arrg, feel my angst!) Aight, make sure you let me know if you find any free concerts out there.
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