Killing Time
I blame on the fact that I’ve been paying bills, rents, unneccessary responsibilities and STILL looking for a “real” job. Ay yah! Courtesy of (or stealing from) Ahistoricality.
Possessing a rare combination of wisdom and humility, while serenely dominating your environment you selflessly use your powers to care for others.
"Even the smallest person can change the course of the future."

To which race of Middle Earth do you belong?
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G'day, you're Bruce! You think like a philosopher,
especially after you've had a few cold
ones...Australia RULES!
What Monty Python Sketch Character are you?
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The point to these "silly entertaining" surveys is NOT to take the survey again. First choice that comes to your mind should be taken account. I wanted to be Pippin, but it wasn't a choice. Bruce is an awesome character, love the hat.
**Thank you all who came to the shindig Saturday night. What a blast! SG rocks!! Whoever poured liquor in the fish tank for his/her twisted scientific experiment, shame on you!! The Goldie Clan almost died, you jerk! I meant that in the nicest way. We should hang out some more, aarrg! Also, the little birdie told me that my former bf is getting married. Congratulations! The end.**
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