Darwin is here in DC, no it's in NYC!

Just in, Charles Darwin is visiting
Washington DC
New York City from Nov. 19 to May 29. Take the time to drop by the America Museum of Natural History. Darwin and his work, in depth, will be featured. There will be live Galapagos tortoises, iguanas and frogs!The Smithsonian museums are partially funded by the public, so expect some protestors from the intelligent design group. I'm sure you have been following the evolution debates and court battles. Gosh! have an open mind, you sensitive religous (ugh) people. At any rate, the exhibit should be very interesting. Go check it out! It's
There will be a small fee. Bring a friend (wink!)UPDATE: I'm sorry, the exhibit is actually in NYC, in the American Museum of Natural History, the one in DC is called National Museum of Natural History, sorry folks.
Visitior Info: Darwin opens at the American Museum of Natural History on November 19, 2005 and remains on view in New York until May 29, 2006.
The Museum is located at 79th Street and Central Park West.
For more information, please call (212) 769-5100
No, it's in NYC. Check the visitor info. The exhibit is too fancy for DC.
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