Since I've been gone
Well, since I've been gone these things happened:
(1) Nick and Jessica finally fed up. According to a spoof report, the break up was major news in the White House.
It depicted President George W. Bush as complaining that the breakup was more bad news, on top of problems in Iraq, and facetiously quoted him as saying, "I can't take any more."
(2) Sad news. Mr. Miyagi, passed away while I was gone, on Turkey Day. He was 73. He died from a heart failure, not from injuries sustained in an epic karate battle with numerous armed foes. He died in the hospital, not in a dojo surrounded by the bodies of his freshly slain enemies or on a bloodied martial arts battlefield, but in a hospital. You will be missed, Mr. Miyagi.
(3) Since we're on the topic of passing, while I was away, a naked man leaped off a building to his death. He jumped out of an SUV totally naked, walked into an office skyscraper, took the elevator to the eighth floor and jumped. According to WaPo, a vigilant D.C. parking enforcers ticketed the man's car before anyone realized what had happened, ironic huh?
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