Alias primetime premier

Alias premier is on tonight. My supercool buddy, SG, has e-mailed me the previous synopsis for tonight's show. A very well written summary from an Alias fanatic. Love it. This should take a lot of stress off my shoulders. Thanx SG!
Trinh....the long awaited alias premier summary:
important connections:
1. sydney's mom killed vaughn's dad
2. she killed vaughn's dad because he stole sydney's half sister by arvin sloane
3. vaughn's dad stole sydney's half sister becaue she was the key to a mystery about a 1500s scientist prophet that fuond ways to rule the world.
4. sydney is the chosen one and her sister will bring abour rambaldi's greatest power. but it is prophesized one will kill the other.
5. sydney's mom had vaughn killed because of some sd-6 secret from season 1
Season 1:
Sydney around the beginning is seeing a nice british pediatrician. he proposes and she says yes but decides she can't lie to him anymore about who she is and what she does. so she tells him she is works for SD-6, a covert section of the CIA. he of course freaks. She goes on a mission and he leaves her a drunk answering machine message about how he can live with it because he loves her. SD-6 head, Arvin Sloane has him killed because he knows the truth. syndney comes home and finds him dead.
Obviously devastated, she flips out at sloane and takes some time off. eventually it becomes too long and he tries to have her killed. her dad, jack, comes to the rescue and tells her the truth. sd-6 is a terrorist cell and she has been working for the bad guys. in order to save her life, she acquires the object of sd-6's affection and says she's back. she then goes to the real CIA and gets assigned to vaughn.
things take an interesting turn when sydney is reading her mom's old novels and finds russian mafia messages in them. since she believes her mother was killed in a car accident when she was 6, she assumes her father was KGB (russian mafia). she turns the books into vaughn and they are analized and he breaks the news the codes in the books are orders to kill cia agents. he then urges her to make it official and turn dad in. blah blah blah, vaughn turns them in because one of the kill orders happens to be his murdered father. so the cia brings syndney and vaughn in and tells them that her mom was kgb and she killed vaughn's father. this complicates things.
will, syndney's best friend meanwhile is investigating her fiance's death and eventually comes upon sd-6 which also causes problems. someone is feeding him information and it turns out it is the enemy of sd-6. will gets kidnapped by them and syndney goes to save him with vaughn and her dad on an unauthorized mission. sydney finds a huge device with a big red balldesigned by a 1500s scientist/prophet. she blows it up, the red ball turns to water and the whole place gets flooded. her and vaughn run for the doorand she makes it through but he gets trapped and goes missing. sydney getsknocked out and taken prisoner. she is all tied up and she talks with somepeople then the head person comes out...and it is mom. and she shoots sydney
in the shoulder right off the bat. the end.
Season 2:
Sydney and will both escape but vaughn is missing. she finds vaughn on a mission and people are doing experiments on the people exposed to the water from the device. she saves vaughn and goes back to sd-6. soon after mom turns herself in after 20 years of being presumed dead without giving a reason and will only talk to sydney. it turns out the water from the red ball causes a disease like ebola, and sydney and vaugh have been exposed to it, are tested but found to be ok. unfortunate vaugh is infected, the only cure lies with evilly hot man sark. sydney goes on this wicked dangerous mission for a cure to save vaughn but is not successful. sark catches her
and will trade the cure for the life of arvin sloane whom she hates for killing her fiance and he is evil. she agrees to give sark sloane for the cure. vaugh nearly dies but makes it out ok. sark choses to let sloane live and lies and says he stopped the assassination so sloane will trust him and let him into sd-6. basically what happens is sark lets sloane know that sydney and her dad are double agents, they set a whole thing up to give them the opportunity to get info to take down sd-6. they take it, sydney is free. she joins the cia without secret and her and vaughn hook up a lot. the happiness is short lived unfortunately. sloane figures out a machine that actually doubles people appearance through dna mutation. they find one of the doubles but before the destroy the mutation machine, they discover
another double exists. it turns out the double is sydney's roomate and will's girlfriend francie. so now sydney has an evil person living with her. her and vaughn are super happy together, the love each other a lot. then will figures out that francie is the double, lets sydney know on a cell hpone message. francie stabs will and hides him. Sydeney gets home and listens to the message. francie then knows she knows, and this crazy 10 minuet kick ass fight starts. you could say sydney wins because she shoots the francie double 3 times and then she goes unconscious.
Season 3:
Sydney wakes up in hong kong in an alley and calls into cia headquarters. thry send vaughn to get her. she shows up with a wedding ring on. he then explains to her that 2 years has gone by, everyone thought she was dead and he moved on and left the cia but they thought someone familiar should bring her back. she thinks vaughn is a fake and kicks crap out of him and runs away. he ends up taking her in and she finds out he was telling the truth. dad is in solitary confinement for having contact with mom who is an escaoed fugitive at this point. again, like season 1 she gains cia trust by finding the thing they are looking for in exchange for her father's freedom. turns
out vaughn's wife is national security council and works with the cia. so it is vaughn, lauren (vaugnn's wife) and sydney and dad working together. there is definitely tension. there is a mole in the cia and turns out it is lauren. vaughn is dmaged by it. sark and lauren are sleeping together and deceiving vaughn all the time. jack helps vaughn to try and kill lauren. vaughn fails so sydney goes across the world to finish the job. her and lauren have it out in a kick ass fight. lauren gets the upper hand but vaughn shows up after escaping from the hospital with his stab wound and collapsed lung. vaughn kills lauren then vaughn and sydney make out. lauren as she is dying gives a safety deposit box number to sydney so she can see
who is really controlling her life.
Season 4:
Sydney gets a bad review at the cia and quits. vaughn spends 4 months in psych evaluation and burns his house down and quits. a new group is formed APO, in which arvin sloane is the leader. it is covert so it has no official affiliation with the cia. the usual suspects are there. season 4 is not nearly as cool. the safety deposit box contains documents showing that syndey's mom took out a hit on her and dad killed mom to stop it. turns out he killed a double looking like mom and she is still alive. sydney's mom's sister constructs a huge red ball device like from season 1 and it causes the pople of russia to become like zombie's. the apo team has to stop it and they do. vaughn and sydeny are on their way to santa barbara to get engaed again and that is when the car accident occurs.
Awesome 2 hours show last night. Two seconds with Michael Vartan in a secluded land of Bhutan was all I asked for. Don't ask me to grow up cuz I don't wanna! The horizon is here, hehe.
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