Save the amphibians

Hundreds of amphibian species will become extinct unless a global action plan is put into practice very soon, conservationists warn.Amphibians are extremely sensitive to environmental change. There are rigid evidences of its peril that warn of such climate change dangers. Lots of talk and not enough action...
Campaigners are forming an Amphibian Survival Alliance, to raise $400m and carry through a rescue strategy.
More than a third of all amphibian species are said to be in peril.
In a policy statement issued in the journal Science, researchers blame a number of factors including habitat loss, climate change and disease.[...]
The losses are caused by land-use change; commercial overexploitation; invasive species pushing out native amphibians; and a wave of disease.
The situation led to a summit last year being called in Washington DC, where a global action plan was agreed.
Today is the one-year anniversary of the 7/7 bombings in London. I was horrified at the time. Aside from my former roommates' safety, I was concerned about the racism and xenophobic notion against Muslims in London and other European countries after that bomb incident. It's kinda sad how some people are fearful of change and being open minded to others.
Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.
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