Monday, July 11, 2005

For peace or not for peace

I attended an IONS conference Friday, well...I volunteered with my neighbor overseeing a table at the conference for a day. We're trying to promote the effort for reintroducing the H.R 1673 into Congress. It's a campaign for the Department of Peace that will focus on nonmiliary peaceful conflict resolutions. We encountered people in all colors of the spectrum. Some were very supportive, some say it's a great idea and other warmongers said it's a joke. I tried my best to respond to the jingos, but sometimes you just have to say, "please leave my table, now!" I must admit, I'm not too familiar with the bill, but I can see the movement having great potential for making progress on the protection of human rights and the de-escalation of armed international conflicts. I know, I know...when I brought the topic at the PUB with Jin (Gettysburg Econ/International Relations major), he verbally attacked me for promoting a cabinet-level Dept. of Peace. We have a dept of War, there's no way we'll have the Dept. of Peace. There are just too much conflicts and politics behind the effort. That's why it was never passed. The deep and lasting peace on earth crap is never gonna happen when humans are around. (He said something along that line). I argued with him for about half an hour and got really pissed off. I did not want his support, but why so harsh?

At any rate, the rabble rousers at our table reminded me of that bar night, and I wasn't in the mood to argue. I'm at a confused state, so whatever I say will probably be harmful to the Peace Alliance effort. I wanted to hear Marianne Williamson speak, but I've had it with the noetic science hypocrites. I was able to sneak out to hear Bruce Lipton. I haven't gain any enlightenments; I stimulated a few more demons in me. I ended the day at Steph's shindig. It was all worth it cuz she saved me some Bud Lites. I salute you! Then I had to go to work on Saturday and babysat my nephews and nieces on Sunday. I hate my life, ok I hate my social life. Where are those fine-abbed men I requested? While I'm at it, I'd like to make another request that there should be three more hours added into a day. Shalom everybody.


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