End of September random post

I think I had a good month. The politcal activities I was involved in at the Hill and at the Mall, I will say little cuz all that had said has been postal mailed to the various congresswo/men. I spent so much time at the nation's capitol this month than all the years I've been in the United States. Yes, I live within ten miles of where I grew up since entering the United States. Well, no one in my hometown acts surprised about this, but G'burg graduates think it is unusual.
Oh, I must quickly type about our backcountry hike in the Shenandoah Valley before my brain freezes. The ride on Skyline Drive was exceptionally gorgeous. Series of beautiful stream valleys and breathtaking mountain overlooks. (Darts to my compooter for deleting all my photos) The Jeremy's Run trail was a 14.2 mile strenuous circuit, but because of the bear run* and the detours we had to back take, we easily made a 16-mile hike up the mountain and down. And yes, we did try to hike for a beer run on our last day, but we just got lost. I admitted it, I was in no shape for the hike. I thought nothing could be worse than a 120-mile kayak to the Bay. I guess I'm not good with the leg. It was so hard for me to bend my knees and breathe at the same time. I hear there's a zen method of breathing, but what got me to the top was fear--the fear of the black bears all around us. On our day, just before sun set, Steph saw a black bear twenty feet away from her, I shit you not. She was on her way to hang our food in a tree, until this black bear ran from one side of the trail to the other side. Her reaction was priceless. Luckily for us, the bear was such in a hurry to the other side that it didn't stop. We conquered the mountain and ran all the way down. It's been a while since our expedition to black bear country, but the best recounts and stories were all told over a few cold beer. Speaking of cold, I need a cuddling buddy! I mean a heater, yeah, a warm portable heater that I can take anywhere with me.
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