Ahoy, Mateys -- restock the rum!

"Two students and a kid [tickets], please." Haha. Trynn Diesel is cheap!
Last night, Brother in Black, SG and I went to see Pirates of the Caribbean 2 at the one and only ghetto mall. I love the ghetto mall ::insert sarcasm::, and I actually liked POTC2 despite NQ and PN's disappointments. The story line was quite weak, but we were there to root for Captain Jack Sparrow and his bottle of rum and his "jar of dirt". SG pre-gamed with a couple of drinks (naturally :-); Brother in Black got some love by females friends at the mall (the horror in my eyes! girls are manipulative, deceitful and devious!); while I reminisced about life on the open sea. I won't spoil the plot's details for those that haven't seen the flick yet. If you're seeking great special effects and non-stop action, this is the summer movie to see. And if you love pirates and rum like SG and I, Cap. Jack will live up to your expectations. If ya want to wait and rent the film, I don't blame ya. By the way, I don't think the Garifuna people were as vicious as the film has depicted -- their cannibalistic role was pure entertainment.
World Cup final: WTH? What could Italy's Materazzi have possibly said or done that Zidane wouldn't have experienced before in his career? That headbutt was uncalled for. Congratulations, Italia! Great song choice for the trophy/ending ceremony: U2's "One"
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