I just have to jot a few notes about this past weekend with NQ and TL. Bare with me as I will rant on about my cultural observation. Saturday night, we were at Diamond nightclub, despite the sometimes messy, unsavory, socialite aspects of youth and its aspirations, I saw Asians with bad rhythm, hootchy women and women in torn jeans and wire-rim glasses, dudes with cell phones, whatever. They were up on the stages and on platforms, hips grinding, flirting, full of rice, feeling fine. And there were blacks there, as well as whites, as well as Jewish and Latino boys and girls. And that seemed to be cool, too.
Like all club scenes, Diamond comes with its own hefty share of posers; Vietnamese go because the beat is better. But the girls at those clubs can be pretty wenchy. They can be mean. I’m very subtle, but if you grab my ass, you’re done for! Anyhow, the women wear black pants and baby-doll T's, like Bebe or DKNY. They're walking brand names. I find the whole thing pretty entertaining. Plus, that whole Asian-male thing with the cars. The souped-up high-status Asian ride is a Honda Civic or an Acura Integra, lowered, with fat rims, fog lights, clear corners—everything, even spoilers (ugh, how I hate spoilers; you only need them if you’re into racing, but that’s another discussion). I’m here with Cammy the Camry with a large crack on the front window that I can’t afford to replace and a baby case seat that I’m just too lazy to put in the house because the next day I’ll use it again to pick up my baby nephew. Also, I’m always the desi driver. WTH? I want to get drunk too. But really, it was my choice to be desi. Better safe than to be in deep shit. Nothing’s new, I can endure the tease and the ridicule about not letting loose. I can ignore so many things, but if you grab my ass or take my drink without my permission, I’d just have to let you know.
As for dating Asian men, I'll confess I've never been that attracted to Asian men for some of the stereotypical reasons. TL said the problem for her is the height (or lack thereof); NQ said it’s the teeth (not quite straight enough). Both ladies of whom are observant Vietnamese friends of mine. I had to be mean and downright bitchy and said it’s the personality. (Ouch! I’m gonna be single for the rest of my life because of what I say, sniff sniff). I questioned myself all the time. Why am I so critical? Asian men can be studs. They can also be, of course, arrogant. They certainly have issues. They think “they're the shit” as my brother would put it, when they're not.
Asian women somehow are more docile or domestic smacks of a certain taint that's been going on for Asian Americans since World War II, and even before that. At
Eden Center (Diamond is located right behind the plaza), enclaves of Vietnamese, mostly FOB (Foreign Born or, less politely, Fresh Off the Boat), gather in the shopping center or for men in the bars, smoking, drinking, talking on cell phones. There's a remarkable amount of cultural crossover among the younger Asian set. There are karaoke bars that offer sing-along opportunities -- Café Tu Do (translated: Freedom Café) in particular also has sportTV channels that I’ve enjoyed.
Fur nightclub, as NQ and the girl who took my drink had informed me is where many young Asians like to hang out. The dance floor attracts first-generation Asians from China, Philipines, Korea, Taiwan and Hong Kong, or those of the "1.5" generation, who've been around for years but still get homesick. I haven’t yet visited Fur, but I intend to in order to finish this rant. But apparently this whole Asian scene, this hot new trend, boils down to sex. Again, what's new?
Sixteen Candles, Long Duck Dong is your typical FOB, nerdy Chinese guy. I thought it was funny, but that was also really sad, funny sad in a way. Oh,
Harold and Kumar go to White Castle by far is my favorite Asian flick. Harold being the first generation geek turned stud Asian is what makes me feel like there’s hope for nerdy Asian men. The
Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan portrays women as the protagonists and heroines in times of immense difficulty. All men in that book/movie are looked down upon to be the worse case scenerios in woman’s social life. I’m sure Asian men hate Ms. Tan. She married a white man. Connie Chung married Maury, the host of the women-degrading talk show ever! What about Nicolas Cage and Alice Kim, you might ask? No need to ask, she’s 21 years younger than him, that’s just not right. Woody Allen marrying his adopted Asian daughter—that’s a head shake brought to a whole new level. Again, I don’t have a good ending to this post. I can tell you that you can expect Vietnamese men to be territorial. Inter-racial dating (with Asian women) will give you a band wagon of hollering and hurling from the Asian men spectators. Frankly, I think it’s silly and very immature. That’s why I’ve never been attracted to Asian men. Omigosh, I am an FOB feminist. Nahh!