"So dark the con of man". I know I'm a bit late on
this movie debate, but so what? Back in October '05, I saw protesters against the production of
this Da Vinci Code film. They're saying that it's blasphemous and that it ridicules the Catholic Church and Jesus Christ. WTH? (ok, that's the wrong choice of my response) The book itself is a work of fiction with a lot of real research. Come on, lighten up. I read the book, (although I enjoyed Dan Brown's
Angels and Demons more) and it was entertaining. According to the protesters, if I go see the movie, I'm doomed to hell. Not a good way to discourage me, people. I'm not too serious about seeing the movie either because I'm sure Hollywood won’t do the book justice. I tried to explain to the kids (ages 9-20) the other day about the significant of Leonardo Da Vinci's paintings and its implications of Jesus' personal life, and they gave me wicked nasty faces. Obviously, these kids were raised strict Catholics, so I quickly redeemed myself and said: it's ok to not believe in that. Toward the end of the shindig, I was hit in the head with a semi-deflated kick ball, several times. I'm sure it was totally unrelated to what I said. (Of course my explanations were in Vietnamese, so a few of my points weren't clear, but hey, I didn't deserve the abuse). I did feel unwelcome (because of past family dramas and what not).
At any rate, those kids don't scare me. I'm actually envious of them for having that much faith. I want that kind of strong faith. It will make me a much more happier person, don't ya think? Of course Chị Nguyệt declined my invitation to see the flick after I told her what it was about. I think her faith would be strengthened if she sees the movie. By no means am I trying to dissuade her faith. I told you I was jealous. I wonder if they have the book translated in Vietnamese. Back to the movie,
here's a review by an Opus Dei member. And
here's a hilarious take on the silliness of the protests.
The painting (fresco in 1498) above is (part of) Da Vinci's
The Last Supper. The arrow points to the mysterious hand with a knife and the "lady" on the right is Mary Madeline, Jebus' wife. To learn more, visit
Dan Brown's official website. I particularly enjoyed the attempted rationalization of the
Mona Lisa, the
Vitruvian Man and the number "phi". Fascinating!
Up-to-date (5/29/06):
Chị Nguyệt finally reasoned with me that Cha Long (Father Long from
Our Lady of Vietnam Roman Catholic Church) forbid the church members to go see the movie. He said it's "bất kinh và có hàm Ý báng bổ". Well, one church goer was listening. I offered her the book to read, but she quickly declined. *head shake* I offered to read one excerpt to her, she quickly went to her room. (Disclaimer: The passage I was gonna read was on the number "phi" since she's a math teacher and all.) Oh well. Why must you make enemies, trynn diesel? I thought you were for peace and love!? I think Chị Nguyệt is ok. She must be proud for overcoming my devious blasphemous temptation. Seriously Cha Long, you won't be able to keep your church members in the long run if you prohibit them without reading the book (did you?). I mean, it's not the greatest book ever written -- the greatest ones are JRR Tolkien's LOTR trilogies, hehe. Anyhow, for what it's worth, I guess you're just doing your job. I like your church. I like the programs you have for the youngsters. I like the way you present yourself during services, very disciplined. [Off in a tangent] I wonder how you sleep at night when your sermons are based on gossips from people's personal lives? Again, why must you make enemies, trynn
retardo diesel!?